is thrilled to announce the arrival of a captivating new show that delves deep into the heart of conspiracy theories and hidden truths – "Dialogue: Conspiracy" hosted by the legendary Mae Brussell.
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Mae Brussell, born Mae Magnin on May 29, 1922, in the opulent surroundings of Beverly Hills, California, was not just any ordinary radio personality. Her early life was marked by influences that shaped her into a formidable voice in the realm of conspiracy theory.
Her father, Edgar Magnin, was a well-respected Reform rabbi at the Wilshire Boulevard Temple, imparting a strong sense of ethics and inquiry. This background was further enriched by her family's entrepreneurial spirit, with her great-grandparents, Isaac and Mary Ann Magnin, founding the prestigious I. Magnin women's clothing store in San Francisco.
Mae's educational journey took her to Stanford University, a breeding ground for bright minds and critical thinkers. She later received an associate degree from the University of California, Berkeley, on June 3, 1942. These academic experiences honed her analytical skills, setting the stage for her future role as a discerning and outspoken radio host.
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It's in "Dialogue: Conspiracy" that Mae Brussell truly shines. Her show, initially known as World Watchers International before its rebranding, offers listeners an extraordinary journey into the world of conspiracies. Mae's sharp intellect and meticulous research unravel complex narratives, shedding light on the obscure and often misunderstood corners of history and current affairs.
At, we are excited to bring Mae Brussell's unique perspective to our audience. Whether you're a long-time conspiracy enthusiast or new to the world of alternative theories, "Dialogue: Conspiracy" promises to be an enlightening and thought-provoking addition to your listening schedule.
Join us as we welcome Mae Brussell and her enthralling show to our network. Tune in, open your mind, and prepare to question the world around you in ways you never thought possible.